How to Measure Your Horse for a Blanket

Are you a horse owner looking for the perfect blanket for your equine companion? The first step in finding the right fit is to know how to measure your horse for a blanket. It may seem like a simple task, but getting accurate measurements is crucial for ensuring comfort and proper protection for your horse during colder months. In this article, we will break down the steps on how to measure your horse for a blanket and provide some helpful tips along the way.



Importance of Properly Measuring Your Horse for a Blanket

How to Measure Your Horse for a Blanket

Before we dive into the specifics of measuring your horse for a blanket, let’s first understand why this is an important step. Just like humans, horses come in various shapes and sizes. A blanket that is too big or too small can cause discomfort, chafing, and even restrict movement for your horse. Improperly fitting blankets can also lead to rubbing and sores, leaving your horse vulnerable to infections. In addition, an ill-fitting blanket can shift and become tangled, posing a danger to your horse while they are turned out or stabled.

So, now that we know the significance of proper measurement, let’s get started on how to do it correctly.

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Step 1: Measure the Length of Your Horse

How to Measure Your Horse for a Blanket

The first measurement you will need is the length of your horse. This measurement will determine the size of the blanket your horse needs. To measure the length, start at the center of your horse’s chest and run the tape measure along their side all the way to the point of their hindquarters. Make sure to follow the contours of your horse’s body, rather than pulling the tape tightly. Once you have the measurement, round up to the nearest inch to determine the size of the blanket.

Tip: Blanket Sizing Guides

If you are unsure of what size your horse needs based on their length, most blanket manufacturers provide sizing guides to help you choose the right size. These guides will take into account the length of your horse and can also suggest the appropriate size based on their breed or body type.

Step 2: Measure the Depth of Your Horse’s Chest

How to Measure Your Horse for a Blanket

The next measurement you will need is the depth of your horse’s chest. This will determine the fit of the blanket around their chest and shoulders. To measure this, start at the center of their chest, just behind their front legs, and run the tape measure up to the point of their withers (the highest part of their shoulder blades). Again, make sure to follow the contours of your horse’s body and round up to the nearest inch for accuracy.

Tip: Leave Some Wiggle Room

When measuring the depth of your horse’s chest, it’s important to leave some wiggle room. A blanket that is too tight can restrict movement and cause discomfort for your horse. On the other hand, a blanket that is too loose can shift and become tangled, putting your horse in danger. Aim for a snug fit, but make sure your horse has enough room to move freely.

Step 3: Measure the Length of Your Horse’s Neck

How to Measure Your Horse for a Blanket

Now that you have the measurements for your horse’s body, it’s time to focus on their neck. This measurement will determine the size of the neck cover or hood that your horse needs. To get this measurement, start at the center of their chest, just behind their front legs, and run the tape measure up along their neck to the base of their ears. Again, make sure to follow the contours of your horse’s body and round up to the nearest inch for accuracy.

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Tip: Check for Stretchy Material

When choosing a blanket with a neck cover or hood, make sure to pick one with stretchy material around the neck area. This will allow your horse to comfortably move their head and neck without feeling restricted.

Step 4: Measure the Length of Your Horse’s Front Leg

How to Measure Your Horse for a Blanket

The next measurement you will need is the length of your horse’s front leg. This will determine the size of the blanket and ensure that it fits properly around their chest and shoulders. To measure this, start at the center of their chest, just behind their front legs, and run the tape measure along the side of their front leg all the way down to the fetlock (the joint above their hoof). Round up to the nearest inch for accuracy.

Tip: Check for Shoulder Gussets

When choosing a blanket, look for ones with shoulder gussets. These are extra pieces of fabric located around the shoulders that provide more room for movement. This will help prevent rubbing and discomfort for your horse.

Step 5: Measure the Circumference of Your Horse’s Belly

How to Measure Your Horse for a Blanket

Finally, you will need to measure the circumference of your horse’s belly. This measurement will determine the size of the belly straps or surcingles on the blanket. To get this measurement, wrap the tape measure around your horse’s belly, just in front of their hind legs. Make sure to leave enough room for two fingers to fit between the strap and your horse’s belly. Round up to the nearest inch for accuracy.

Tip: Look for Adjustable Straps

When choosing a blanket, look for those with adjustable belly straps. This will allow you to customize the fit for your horse and make sure they are comfortable.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to Measure Your Horse for a Blanket

How do I know if my horse needs a blanket?

Horses have a natural ability to regulate their body temperature and can withstand cold weather quite well. However, factors such as age, health, and coat thickness can affect their ability to stay warm. If your horse is older or has a thin coat, they may benefit from a blanket during colder months. It’s always best to consult with your veterinarian for their recommendation.

Can I use a human measurement tape to measure my horse?

It is not recommended to use a human measurement tape as it may not be long enough to get accurate measurements. It’s best to invest in a horse-specific measuring tape, which can be found at most equestrian supply stores.

Can I measure my horse while they are wearing a blanket?

It’s best to measure your horse without any layers of clothing on. If your horse is already wearing a blanket, remove it before taking measurements.

How often should I measure my horse for a blanket?

Horses can change shape and size throughout the year, so it’s best to measure them each time you need to purchase a new blanket. This could be due to weight gain or loss, muscle development, or changes in coat thickness.

What if my horse falls between sizes?

If your horse’s measurements fall between two sizes, it’s best to go with the larger size. As mentioned before, a too-tight blanket can cause discomfort and restrict movement, while a slightly bigger one can still provide adequate coverage and protection.


How to Measure Your Horse for a Blanket

Properly measuring your horse for a blanket is crucial for their comfort and safety during colder months. By following these steps and tips, you can ensure that your horse has the perfect fit for maximum warmth and protection. Remember to always check for any signs of discomfort or rubbing, and consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your horse’s health and well-being. Happy blanket shopping!